Simplify Amenity Bookings With Ease.
Your Building's Amenities

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Real-Time Availability

Quickly check real-time availability with unavailable days highlighted in red. Supports both paid and unpaid bookings, multi-day stays for guest suites, and per-hour reservations. Manage multiple instances of the same amenity with ease, ensuring all your booking needs are covered.

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Resident Notifications

transparency not only enhances the resident experience but also reduces the workload for property managers by minimizing the need for manual updates and follow-ups. Residents in the loop with real-time notifications for all key activities. From task completions and status updates to amenity bookings and maintenance alerts, the app ensures residents are always informed.

Property Management

ARMS consolidates the management of residential buildings into one intuitive platform.


Leak Prevention &

Autonomously prevents, detects, and
manages water leaks in Condos,
providing you with dependable
protection around the clock

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